PSATS Reports on PA Census Data Indicating Drop in Residents in the State

The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors reports on new 2023 Census Data for PA
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December 22 from the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) and the US Census Bureau

The U.S. Census Bureau released 2023 population estimates that found population trends returning to pre-pandemic norms as the number of annual deaths decreased and migration patterns reverted to pre-2020 patterns. While 42 states had an increase in population in 2023, eight states saw their population fall. Pennsylvania lost 10,408 residents and the northeast collectively lost 43,330 less than a quarter of the 2022 loss. In comparison, California lost 75,423 and Illinois lost 32,826, while Texas added 473,453 and Florida gained 365,205 residents. South Carolina and Florida are the fastest-growing states in the country. Data suggests that people are leaving high tax states. Click here for more. PA is on track to lose 1 additional congressional seat.