AQUA Update: Understanding Fire Hydrant Bills

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We’ve recently received inquiries from residents regarding the fire hydrant bills issued by the Township. Properties located within 700 feet of a hydrant receive an annual $35 invoice for this service. We understand that this billing arrangement may be confusing, as the hydrants themselves are owned by Aqua, and water is supplied by Aqua. However, Aqua bills West Bradford for the service and water fees.

These invoices amount to just under $8,000 per month. Subsequently, the Township collects the fee to cover the expenses incurred from Aqua. It’ s important to note that the Township does not generate any profit from this transaction; rather, it serves as a conduit between Aqua and the residents, facilitating the payment process. Residents should alert their homeowners insurance company if they are located within 700 feet of a fire hydrant as it may result in savings.