ZHB#456; Winesap, LLC, tenant and equitable owner of 1000 Marshallton-Thorndale Road; TPNs: 50-5-160; 50-6-38; and 50-6-45 ZHB #457; Applicant/Owner: Joseph Bush, Jr and Brenda M. Bush. Property: 1406 Hollow Drive, Tax Parcel No. 50-2-358

Event Date: 
Wednesday, January 3, 2024 - 7:00pm

NOTICE West Bradford Township Zoning Hearing Board will consider the following Zoning Applications, and all other matters that properly come before it beginning at 7 p.m., on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at the West Bradford Township Building, 1385 Campus Drive, Downingtown, PA: APPEAL NO.: 456; Applicant: Winesap, LLC, tenant and equitable owner of 1000 Marshallton-Thorndale Road; TPNs: 50-5-160; 50-6-38; and 50-6-45, located in the R-1, R-3, C-1 and C-2 Zoning Districts (collectively, the “Properties”). The Properties are owned by W.H. Handsel, Ltd. Applicant is proposing to subdivide portions of the existing Appleville and Highland Orchards parcels which requires the following zoning relief for the existing uses and structures from the West Bradford Township Zoning Ordinance (the “Ordinance”): Section 450-16.D(2) to allow an existing structure to have a side yard setback of 5-feet; Section 450-16.D(3) to allow an existing structure to have a rear yard setback of 22-feet; Section 450-54.D(2) to allow an existing structure to have a side yard setback of 2-feet;Section 450-54.D(1) to allow an existing structure to have a front yard setback of 1-foot; Section 450-54.D(3) to allow an existing structure to have a rear yard setback of 16-feet; Section 450-16.B to allow a commercial use and a residential use in the R-3 Zoning District; and Section 450-54.B to allow a residential use in the C-1 Zoning District, as well as any other relief the Board may deem required. APPEAL NO.: 457; Applicant/Owner: Joseph Bush, Jr and Brenda M. Bush. Property: 1406 Hollow Drive, Tax Parcel No. 50-2-358, located in the R-1 Zoning District. The Applicants seeks a variance from Section 401-10.D(2) as incorporated by Section 450-72) to exceed the permitted impervious coverage.

If any person who wishes to attend the hearing has a disability and/or requires an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to observe or participate in the proceeding, s/he should contact the Township at (610) 269-4174 to discuss how these needs may be accommodated.

West Bradford Township

Zoning Hearing Board